
How to Prevent Flea & Tick Infestations: 8 Tips for the Whole Family

tick warning sign in the woods

Ticks and fleas not only produce itchy, uncomfortable bites—they can also spread dangerous diseases to people and animals. Even worse, once an infestation starts, it can take anywhere from weeks to months to control.

Fortunately, there are multiple steps you can take to prevent flea and tick infestations, and most of them don’t even cost any money! Use these tips below to help keep your family members (including the four-legged ones) safe from ticks and fleas.

1. Keep up with laundry and vacuuming.

Flea eggs can remain dormant in carpeting or on textiles for a long time before finally hatching during warm weather. Routinely washing linens and throws and vacuuming your floors, throw pillows, and upholstery can reduce the risk that fleas will hatch in your home. Just keep in mind that flea eggs can still survive inside a vacuum bag, so be sure to carefully seal up and throw out whatever your vacuum sucks up.

2. Buy a pet bed and crate that’s easy to keep clean.

Buying a washable pet bed is a great way to ensure that you can kill any fleas or other pests that might be living in it. The same goes for your pet’s crate or carrier. Even if your home doesn’t contain any ticks or fleas, it’s possible to pick up these pests on a trip to the vet’s office from someone else’s pet.

3. Mow your grass short and trim back your bushes.

Ticks frequently inhabit overgrown grasses and shrubs because it offers them a place to hide and easy access to passing “meals.” Get in the habit of regularly pruning your landscape and cutting your grass weekly, especially during summer when plants tend to grow faster.

4. Keep your yard tidy.

Out in “the wild,” fleas will hide in piles of fallen leaves and rotting vegetation. Avoid attracting them to your property by making sure to clean up dead leaves and any trimmings from your yard work.

5. When hiking or camping, stay on the paths and trails.

You’re extremely likely to pick up some unwanted hitchhikers if you leave the trail to go exploring through brush and tall grass. That’s prime tick territory. If you’re hiking with your dog, keep them on a close lead so that they’ll stay on the path with you, and after the hike, inspect their entire body closely for ticks, including inside their ears.

6. Avoid hiking in shorts.

Shorts might seem like the more comfortable option during summer, but legs covered in flea and tick bites will definitely change your mind. Unless you're hiking in a completely open area away from brush and tall grass, opt for breathable pants to protect your body while maintaining comfort.

7. Take care of other pest control problems.

Even if your home has been free of ticks and fleas for years, these pests can be introduced to your property by stray animals and wildlife, such as deer, raccoons, skunks, and rodents. For this reason, it’s best to prevent these animals from coming to your property.

You may need to:

  • Set out deer repellent.
  • Keep your pet’s food and water indoors.
  • Cover your pool and any ponds on your property at night.
  • Keep the lids closed tightly on your trash cans.
  • Call a rodent control expert to eliminate a rodent infestation.

8. Use flea and tick treatments to protect your pets.

Your pets are much more likely to pick up fleas or ticks than you are. If they spend any time outside, it’s a good idea to get a treatment for them that will help keep those pests away.

That being said, be sure to consult your veterinarian before choosing a treatment. When talking with your vet, make sure that they understand your concerns and have read through your pet’s medical history so that they can make the safest recommendation based on your pet’s age, breed, and health conditions. Also, before applying a treatment, be sure that it has not expired or gone through any product recalls. Expired or recalled treatments should always be discarded.

At Sage Pest Control, our Charlotte specialists offer dependable flea and tick control to help protect your family. Don’t hesitate to contact us today to learn more about how we can assist you: (704) 413-3398.

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